Staying Safe from COVID-19
There is currently no vaccine for COVID-19. According to the CDC, The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus altogether. One of the best ways to prevent the contraction of COVID-19 is to disinfect frequently touched surfaces, as well as items that you bring into your house. This practice is especially important if a member of your family are at increased risk for severe illness such as elders and those with underlying medical conditions.
Unfortunately, there is still a lot that we do not know about the virus. The virus has greatly affected many aspects of our lives, and will likely continue to do so. Many experts have even suggested that “the virus may never go away,” even with a vaccine.
Cleaning is Easier Said than Done
Constantly disinfecting, and reminding yourself to do so, is easier said than done. Wiping down or spraying surfaces takes time and effort. Furthermore, there is no way of knowing that you have reached every nook and cranny.
Environmental Problems: Nobody Talks about Them
What is UVC?
UVC has been proven as an effective means of preventing the spread of COVID-19. (1) Furthermore, compared to using chemicals, UVC sanitization is easier and safer.
UVC works by it deactivating the DNA of bacteria, virus, and other pathogens. This destroys their ability to multiply and cause disease. (2)
The most effective germicidal wavelength occurs with a peak between 260 nm to 270 nm, the point at which DNA absorbs UV energy the most. (1) This makes UVC more effective than UVA and UVB.
The usage of UVC is nothing new. It has been used widely used, for decades, in commercial settings such as in labs and hospitals. However, integration of UVC in consumer products is limited.